afaman sharaḥa l-lahu ṣadrahu lil'is'lāmi fahuwa ʿalā nūrin min rabbihi fawaylun lil'qāsiyati qulūbuhum min dhik'ri l-lahi ulāika fī ḍalālin mubīni
So is (one for) whom has expanded Allah his breast for Islam so he (is) upon a light from his Lord. So woe to (those are) hardened their hearts from (the) remembrance (of) Allah. Those (are) in error clear.
Could, then, one whose bosom God has opened wide with willingness towards self-surrender unto Him, so that he is illumined by a light [that flows] from his Sustainer, [be likened to the blind and deaf of heart]? Woe, then, unto those whose hearts are hardened against all remembrance of God! They are most obviously lost in error
Is he whose bosom Allah hath expanded for Al-Islam, so that he followeth a light from his Lord, (as he who disbelieveth)? Then woe unto those whose hearts are hardened against remembrance of Allah. Such are in plain error
Is one whose heart Allah has opened to Islam, so that he has received Enlightenment from Allah, (no better than one hard-hearted)? Woe to those whose hearts are hardened against celebrating the praises of Allah! they are manifestly wandering (in error)
Can ˹the misguided be like˺ those whose hearts Allah has opened to Islam, so they are enlightened by their Lord? So woe to those whose hearts are hardened at the remembrance of Allah! It is they who are clearly astray.
Is one whose heart God has opened to submit to Him and who has received enlightenment from his Lord [like one whose heart rejects God]? Misery, then, to those whose hearts are hardened even more by the mention of God. They are clearly lost.
Anyone whose heart God has opened up to Islam possesses a light from his Lord. But woe betide those whose hearts have been hardened against the rememberance of God! Such people are in obvious error
What! is he whose heart Allah has opened for Islam so that he is in a light from his Lord (like the hard-hearted)? Nay, woe to those whose hearts are hard against the remembrance of Allah; those are in clear error
So is he whose breast God has expanded for submission to God, in a light from His Lord? So woe to their hearts, ones that harden against the Remembrance of God. Those are clearly going astray.
Anyone whose breast God has opened up to Islam will [receive] light from his Lord. It will be awful for those whose hearts have been hardened against remembering God! Such people are in obvious error.
Is the one whose heart Allah has opened to Islam and is in light from its Lord (same as one who disbelieves)? So woe to those whose hearts are hardened against remembrance of Allah! They are in plain error!
What of one whose breast God has expanded for submission, such that he follows a light from his Lord? Woe unto those whose hearts are hardened to the remembrance of God! They are in manifest error
Consider the one whose heart God has opened to Submission, thus receiving enlightenment from his Lord. Woe to those whose hearts have hardened against God’s remembrance—these have strayed far.
What about someone whose heart God has opened to Islam, so that he follows a light from His Lord? Woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the mention of God. Those are in manifest error
Is that one whose Sadr (chest) Allah has made open (i.e., receptive) for Islam, so he takes a stand on (the) Light (received) from his Nourisher-Sustainer, (could be considered of the same status as a disbeliever)? So woe to those whose hearts are hardened against (receiving) Zikr ('Message') of Allah; they (stand) in manifest error
Is the one whose heart Allah has opened to Islam and is walking in the light from his Lord like the one who has learned no lesson and is still a non-Muslim. So woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah! They are clearly in error
Is he then whose breast Allah has expanded to Islam, so he (walks) in a Light from his Lord (like the disbelievers)? Then woe to the ones whose hearts are hardened against the Remembrance of Allah! Those are in evident error
One whose chest (heart and mind) is left open for Islam (submission to His will) shall receive light from God. Woe to those whose hearts have become like stone against the remembrance of God. They are clearly in error
So I ask about a person whose heart Allah has opened up for Islam, and consequently he proceeds in a light from his Lord. (Can he be equal to the one whose heart is hardened?) So, woe to those whose hearts are too hard to remember Allah. Those are wandering in open error
If Allah renders one's chest open to Islam he will be following a Light from his Sustainer. Hence, those whose hearts are hardened against Allah's Reminder (in the Book of Nature) only harm themselves. They are most obviously lost in error
Allah has rendered the hearts (of some of His servants) receptive for Islam. They follow the illumilating guidance of their Lord. Can they be like the unbelievers? Misery is for those whose hearts harden up even more by the mention of Allah. They indeed are clearly on the wrong path
Is one whose breast Allah has opened to Islam, so that he has received the Light from his Lord, (not better than one whose heart is in disbelief)? (There is) grief for those whose hearts are hardened against saying the Praises of Allah! They are clearly walking about in error
So is one whose breast Allah has expanded to [accept] Islam and he is upon a light from his Lord [like one whose heart rejects it]? Then woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah . Those are in manifest error
If God comforts the chest of a person to submission, then he will be on a light from his Lord. So woe to those whose hearts are hardened against remembering God. They have gone far astray.
What about the one whose heart God has opened in devotion to Him, so that he walks in light from his Lord? Alas for those whose hearts harden at the mention of God! They have clearly lost their way
Shall he then whose breast Allah hath expanded for Islam, so that he followeth a light from his Lord be as he whose heart is hardened? Then woe Unto those whose hearts are hardened against remembrance of Allah. They are in an error manifest
Will he whose breast has been opened up to peace (not be) in luminescence from his Lord? Alas for those whose hearts have been hardened to God's remembrance! They wander (astray) in clear error
Is he whose breast is opened to Islam, and who is therefore illuminated by his Lord . . . ? Woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah! Such people are clearly misguided.
Is he (who derives lessons from God’s acts in the universe and so) whose breast God has expanded to Islam, so that he follows a light from his Lord (– is such a one to be likened to one whose heart is closed up to any remembrance of God and therefore to Islam)? So woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of God (and who learn nothing from His signs and Revelations)! Those are lost in obvious error
Is someone whose breast Allah has opened to Islam so that he follows a light from His Lord? So woe to those whose hearts have been hardened to the remembrance of Allah. They are in manifest error
What! Is he whose heart Allah has opened to the Surrender (Islam) so that he is in a light from his Lord (like him who is hard-hearted)? Nay, woe to those whose heart are hard against the remembrance of Allah; those are in clear error
Is someone whom God has opened his chest/minds for submission (Islam), and he is upon a light from his Lord (like someone who is not)? So, woe to those whose hearts are hardened against remembering God. They are in obvious error.
Is one whose heart God has opened to Al-Islam, so that he has received enlightenment from God, no better than one hard-hearted? Woe to those whose hearts are hardened against celebrating the praises of God. They are clearly in error
So the one whose mind Allah opens with the light of Islam will have light from His Lord. But those whose minds are closed to the remembrance of Allah will be ruined; they are wholly misguided
Can he whose breast Allah has opened up for Islam and who is thus (moving along a Path) illumined by a light from Allah (be likened to him who derives no lesson from what he observes)? Woe, then, to those whose hearts were further hardened after Allah´s admonition. Such are indeed in obvious error
If God comforts the chest of a person to submission, then he will be on a light from his Lord. So woe to those whose hearts are hardened against remembering God. They have gone far astray
Is one then whose head Allah has opened for Islam and who is guided by the light from his Lord (be likened to) those — woe to them — whose minds are hardened against any remembrance of Allah. Those are the ones who have obviously gone astray
Will he whose heart Allah has opened for Islam so that he is upon a light from his Lord be like him who is hard heartened? Woe, then, is to those whose hearts are hardened from the remembrance of Allah. They are in evident error.
If GOD renders one's heart content with Submission, he will be following a light from his Lord. Therefore, woe to those whose hearts are hardened against GOD's message; they have gone far astray.
Is he whose chest Allah has expanded to Islam, so that he walks upon a light from his Lord (as those whose heart is sealed)? But woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the Remembrance of Allah! Those are in clear error
Is he whose breast Allah has opened to Islam so that he follows a light from his Lord --? So woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah! Such are in clear error
Is who God delighted/expanded his chest (innermost) to the Islam/submission/ surrender (to God) so he is on light from his Lord; so calamity/scandal to (whom of ) the cruel/hard/merciless (are) their hearts/minds from God's remembrance/reminder, those (are) in clear/evident misguidance
Consider two individuals: one has earned the favor of God’s guidance toward Islam and walking in a lighted path, the other one having earned God’s displeasure and deprived of His guidance. Are these two people equal? Indeed there is no hope for the latter
So will he whose bosom Allah has opened up for Islam - he is therefore upon a light from his Lord - ever be equal to one who is stone hearted? Therefore ruin is for those whose hearts are hardened towards the remembrance of Allah; they are in open error
Is he then whose bosom ALLAH has opened for the acceptance of Islam, so that he possesses a light from his Lord, like him who is grouping in the darkness of disbelief? Woe, then, to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of ALLAH ! They are in manifest error
Well! He whose breast Allah has opened for Islam is (stationed) in the light from his Lord. (But on the contrary) those whose hearts are hardened for (being deprived of the bounty of) Allah’s remembrance are destined to ruin. It is they who are in open error
Is he whose mind Allah has opened for (the acceptance of) Islam, so that he follows the light from his Lord, (like one who gropes in the darkness of disbelief)? Woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah. Such indeed are (steeped) in clear error
Is he whose breast Allah has opened to Islam, so that he is in light from His Lord (as he who is non-Muslim)? So, woe to those whose hearts are hardened against remembrance of Allah! They are in plain error
Is he whose breast God has expanded unto Islam, so he walks in a light from his Lord . . .? But woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of God! Those are in manifest error
Shall he, therefore, whose breast God hath enlarged to receive the religion of Islam, and who followeth the light from his Lord, be as he whose heart is hardened? But woe unto those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of God! They are in a manifest error
Is he whose breast God has expanded for Islam, and who is in light from his Lord .... ? And woe to those whose hearts are hardened against a remembrance of God! those are in obvious error
Shall he then whose breast God hath opened to Islam, and who hath light from his Lord . . .? But woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of God! They plainly err
He whose bosom God has opened to Islām shall receive light from his Lord. But woe betide those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of God! They are in evident error
Is he whose bosom Allah has expanded towards self-submission [for Allah] so that he is on a light from his Lord [not better guided]? But woe unto those whose hearts are hard towards the remembrance of Allah. Those are in misguidance most evident.
Is one whose heart Allâh has expanded to embrace Islam and so he follows a light from his Lord (like the one who is spiritually blind)? Woe, then, betide those whose hearts are hardened against celebrating the Praise of Allâh! They are in utter deception!
Consider then him whose chest Allah has expanded towards Islam and he follows a light from his Lord, and woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah, they are in clear error.
Is one whose heart Allah has opened to submission [to God] receiving enlightenment from his/her Lord? Calamity approaches those whose minds are hardened against the remembrance of Allah. They are obviously misguided.
What about someone whose chest Allah has expanded to (accept) Islam, so that he follows a light from His Lord? So woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah; those are in evident misguidance.
Anyone whose breast Allah (God) has opened up to Islam will [receive] light from his Lord. It will be awful for those whose hearts have been hardened against remembering Allah (God)! Such people are in obvious error.
So is he whose chest Allah has enraptured to The Islam, so he is upon a light from his Lord? So, woe to those whose their cores is hardened against Allah’s reminder. Those are in an obvious astray.
How about one whose heart God has opened to Islam, and thus receives light from his Lord? Woe, then, betide those whose hearts harden at the mention of God. These are most obviously in error.
Is he whose heart (essence) Allah has expanded towards comprehending Islam, not upon a Nur (knowledge) disclosed by his Rabb (his essential reality)? Woe to those whose hearts are constricted (tightened) with the remembrance of Allah! They are experiencing clear deviation (from the reality)!
Then is he, whose bosom Allah has opened for Islam so that he is (guided) by the light from his Fosterer, (like him who is in darkness)? So sorrowful is the state of those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah, they are in a clear error.
Will he not be secure, he whom Allah has delighted his heart with Islam and accorded the seat of his thoughts and feelings with its principles, and Providence his guide and his source of illumination and enlightenment! Woe betide the hard-hearted who counsel deaf to exhortation and will not apply remembrance to Allah. These are they who are lost in the maze of error
So is one whose breast God has expanded for Islam, so he is upon light from his Lord? And woe to those whose hearts are hardened from the remembrance of God. Those are in clear error.
Is one whose heart God has opened to Islam, so that he has received Enlightenment from God, (no better than one hard-hearted)? Woe to those whose hearts are hardened against celebrating the praises of God! they are manifestly wandering (in err or)
So is (one for) whom Allah has expanded his breast for submission/Islam so he (is) upon a light from his Lord. So woe to (those are) hardened their hearts from (the) remembrance of Allah. Those (are) in error clear
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